If enough people are interested, I teach a 14-week Photoshop Rendering course online. The class meets once a week, 3 hours per session.

This course will be offered 3 times a year, in January, May, and September.

No prior Photoshop experience is required, but would be helpful if you have some background in Industrial Design.
This rendering course builds upon the fundamental knowledge of manual techniques and applies it digitally using Adobe Photoshop. Learn to use basic Photoshop functions such as masking, airbrushing, and image manipulation to create realistic, 3D-looking products.

The course will start with the basic foundations and familiarization with the tools and user interface. Materials, textures, and lighting will be covered through weekly design projects ranging from consumer products to automobiles.

Some samples can be viewed

If you are interested in taking this course, contact me
Photoshop for Industrial Design Course
The cost for this course is $500.00 USD.
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Steve Eastwood Design